The “Wish movie” was released in theaters on December 22, 2023, and it has since received mixed reviews from critics. The story is set in a fictional kingdom called Rosas, established by King Magnifico and Queen Amaya. The plot revolves around a 17-year-old girl named Asha, who aspires to become King Magnifico’s apprentice. However, she discovers the king’s deceptive practices regarding the wishes of the kingdom’s citizens. In a turn of events, Asha wishes upon a star, leading to the appearance of an anthropomorphic ball of light named Star, which grants magical abilities to the forest animals and aids Asha in her quest.

The film explores themes such as the manipulation of power, the importance of wishes in driving personal motivation, and the discovery of inner strength. Asha, with the help of Star and her animal friends, leads a revolution against King Magnifico’s tyranny. The film’s setting is unique, blending CGI with more hand-drawn animation techniques, creating a visually appealing world.

Despite its interesting plot and animation style, “Wish” has been criticized for feeling somewhat manufactured and lacking genuine magic. Some of the musical numbers in the film are notable, but they haven’t reached the popularity of other Disney hits. The film appears to be more of a commercial tie-in with Disney’s 100th anniversary rather than a standalone artistic venture.

Overall, “Wish” presents a visually attractive and thematically rich story, but it might not leave a lasting impression compared to other Disney classics. It’s an entertaining film, especially for younger audiences and Disney enthusiasts, but it may not resonate as deeply with a broader audience.

How to watch online Wish movie

It can only be seen in theaters. You should check your local listings for theater showtimes.

However, since “Wish” is a Disney property, it is expected to become available for streaming on Disney+ in the near future. Typically, Disney movies get theatrical releases exclusively for at least 30 days. Therefore, it’s likely that “Wish” will be available on Disney+ sometime in early 2024, possibly between 45 and 90 days from its theatrical release date​

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