WhatsApp typically requires you to have a contact saved in your phone’s address book to initiate a chat. However, there is a workaround that allows you to start a WhatsApp chat with an unknown number without saving it as a contact. You can do this by using a feature called “Click to Chat.” Here’s how:

Open Your Web Browser:

  • Open web browser on your mobile device or computer.

Visit the WhatsApp Click to Chat Link:

  • In the address bar, type the following URL, replacing “phonenumber” with the actual phone number you want to message, including the country code:
  • Copy code
  • https://wa.me/yourphonenumber 
  • For example, if the phone number is from the United States, you should use the format: https://wa.me/1xxxxxxxxxx (replace “1xxxxxxxxxx” with the actual phone number).

Open the Link:

  • Press “Enter” to open the link.

Start a Chat:

WhatsApp without saving a contact number
  • You’ll be directed to WhatsApp, and you’ll see a chat window with the phone number you entered. You can now start a chat with that number.

Send a Message:

  • Type your message in the chat and hit the send button to send your message.

Please note that while this method allows you to initiate a chat with an unknown number without saving it as a contact, it doesn’t save the contact in your phone’s address book. If you want to continue the conversation later or have the number saved, you may need to manually save it as a contact in your device’s contacts app.

Additionally, ensure that you have WhatsApp installed and set up on your device for this method to work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I start a WhatsApp chat with an unknown number without saving it as a contact?

A: You can start a WhatsApp chat with an unknown number without saving it as a contact using WhatsApp’s “Click to Chat” feature

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