The ULLU web series Watch “Watchman” revolves around the story of a watchman who harbors affections for the beautiful women in his society. The central theme of the series is whether his dreams and desires will be fulfilled. The series stars Taniya Chatterjee and Priya Gamre in the main roles, with Arita Paul also featuring in the cast. The web series primarily delves into drama and crime genres and was released on the ULLU app on January 31, 2023. The plot is set in an apartment complex where the watchman becomes enamored with three women – Mamta Madam, Chaya Tripathi, and Tanu Madam, who reside there. His interactions and experiences with these women form the crux of the storyline

Watch Watchman ULLU Web Series Cast 

The cast of the ULLU web series “Watchman” includes:

  1. Taniya Chatterjee as Tanu
  2. Priya Gamre
  3. Arita Paul as Chaya


ULLU web series “Watchman” consists of a single season with a total of nine episodes. The episodes were released in three parts:

Part 1 (Released on 31 January 2023):

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Part 2 (Released on 7 February 2023):

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Part 3 (Released on 14 February 2023):

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

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