The web series watch “Kuwaari Cheekh,” available on the PrimePlay app, is set in a village and is categorized as a romantic, drama, and fantasy series. The story centers around a unique village ritual that every villager must follow. This ritual becomes a critical plot point when a newlywed woman named Rupali fails to qualify for the ritual. Additionally, the webseries involves a storyline about many virgin girls being killed due to this village custom, which dramatically affects their lives

Watch Kuwaari Cheekh PrimePlay Web Series Cast

The cast of the “Kuwaari Cheekh” web series on PrimePlay includes:

  1. Ritu Rai: Ritu Rai plays a significant role in the series, featuring as one of the lead characters.
  2. Komal Ruthala: Komal Ruthala is also seen in a leading role.
  3. Ritika Surya: Ritika Surya is another main actress in the series.
  4. Pihu Singh: Pihu Singh is part of the primary cast.
  5. Kamal Krishana: Kamal Krishana is also included in the cast list.

Directed by S Rao and created by Siddharth Sengupta, the series is available in multiple languages including Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, and primarily in Hindi.


The “Kuwaari Cheekh” web series on PrimePlay is divided into at least three parts, comprising a total of ten episodes:

  • Part 1: Episodes 1 to 4
  • Part 2: Episodes 5 to 7
  • Part 3: Episodes 8 to 10
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