The story of “Choli Ke Piche” (2023), a web series available on Rabbit Movies, centers around the life of Sakshi, a married woman who moves to a village. In the village, a local man named Arjun falls in love with Sakshi and proposes to her. However, Sakshi rejects his proposal, which leads Arjun to plot various schemes as revenge. The narrative unfolds with twists and turns, exploring the implications of this conflict.

The series delves into themes of love, rejection, and the consequences of spurned affection, set against the backdrop of a village. The storyline is marked by its dramatic and romantic elements, capturing the complexities of human emotions and social dynamics.

How to Watch Choli Ke Piche 2023 Rabbit Movies Web Series

To watch the “Choli Ke Piche” 2023 web series on Rabbit Movies, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Rabbit Movies App: The series is available on Rabbit Movies, so you’ll need to download their app. You can find it on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
  2. Create an Account: If you’re new to Rabbit Movies, you’ll need to create an account.
  3. Choose a Subscription Plan: Rabbit Movies is a subscription-based platform. Select a plan that suits your needs and complete the payment process.
  4. Log In: After subscribing, log into your account.
  5. Search for the Series: In the app, use the search function to find “Choli Ke Piche.”
  6. Select and Watch: Once you find the series, select it, and you can start watching the episodes.
  7. Offline Viewing: The app also allows for downloading episodes, enabling you to watch them offline at your convenience.


The cast of the “Choli Ke Piche” 2023 web series, available on Rabbit Movies, includes:

  • Bharti Jha: She plays the lead role in the series.
  • Ashraf Shaikh
  • Reena
  • Ravi

This cast brings to life the dramatic and romantic storyline set in a village, revolving around the central character of Sakshi, portrayed by Bharti Jha.

Episodes of “Choli Ke Piche”:

  1. Episode 1: “Newly Married Sakshi” – This episode likely introduces Sakshi and sets the stage for the upcoming drama.
  2. Episode 2: “Arjun’s Love” – Focuses on Arjun’s feelings for Sakshi.
  3. Episode 3: “Proposal and Rejection” – Depicts Arjun’s proposal to Sakshi and her subsequent rejection.
  4. Episode 4: “Till Death” – This episode might escalate the tension and conflict following the rejection.
  5. Episode 5: “It’s Not End?” .

These episodes collectively explore the themes of love, rejection, and the consequences of actions driven by spurned affections, set against a village backdrop.

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