If you want to delete your Telegram account, please follow these steps carefully, as it’s a permanent action, and all your data, including chats and contacts, will be deleted, and cannot be recovered.

Important: Before you proceed, keep in mind that deleting your Telegram account will remove you from all the groups and channels you’ve joined, and you will lose access to your messages. If you’re sure you want to proceed, here’s how to delete your Telegram account:

How to Delete a Telegram Account

  • Open the Telegram app on device.
  • Tap on the upper-left corner to open the menu.
  • Go to “Settings” by tapping on your profile picture or the gear icon.
  • In Settings menu, select the button on “Privacy and Security.”
How to Delete Your Telegram Account
  • Go down and find the “Delete My Account” and click on it.
  • Telegram will now provide you with some information about what happens when you delete your account. Read through it and make sure you understand the consequences.
  • To proceed, you will need to enter your phone number associated with your Telegram account. Enter your phone number with the country code (e.g., +1 for the United States).
  • Tap the “Next” or “Delete My Account” button.
  • Telegram will ask you to confirm your decision. You’ll need to enter your phone number again, and then tap “Delete My Account.”
  • A final confirmation screen will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to delete your account. Again Confirm the click to button “Yes, delete my account.”
  • You may be asked to provide a reason for leaving Telegram. You can select a reason from the list or choose ” Any Other” your wish.
  • After confirming your decision, your Telegram account will be scheduled for deletion. It will be permanently deleted after a period of inactivity, which is typically 30 days.

During the 30-day period, you have the option to change your mind and log in to your Telegram account. Doing so will cancel the deletion process. After the 30 days, your account and all associated data will be gone permanently.

Please be aware that deleting your Telegram account is a drastic step, and you should consider backing up any important chats or data before proceeding. Once deleted, there is no way to recover your account or its data.

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