The “Choked” web series, released in 2024, is a suspenseful drama that revolves around a complex and gripping narrative. The story begins with the mysterious disappearance of a prominent business tycoon in a bustling city. As the investigation unfolds, a group of determined but conflicted detectives, each with their own personal demons and professional challenges, takes charge of the case.

The series weaves through various layers of the city’s underbelly, exposing a network of corruption, power struggles, and illicit dealings. Central to the plot is a young, ambitious journalist who becomes entangled in the case while pursuing a breakthrough story. As she delves deeper, she discovers a series of cryptic clues left by an unknown informant, leading her closer to the truth.

How to Watch Choked Ullu Web Series (2024) Online

Intersecting the main storyline are subplots that explore themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the moral dilemmas faced by those in positions of authority. The series skillfully portrays the psychological and emotional struggles of the characters, set against the backdrop of a society grappling with rapid change and ethical decay.

As the investigation progresses, alliances are tested, and secrets are revealed, culminating in a high-stakes finale that confronts the characters with the consequences of their actions and decisions. “Choked” is acclaimed for its intricate plot, strong character development, and its portrayal of the darker aspects of human nature and society.


“Choked,” a web series from Ullu in 2024, features a diverse and talented cast, known for their dynamic performances and ability to bring depth to their characters. The ensemble includes both established actors and rising stars. Here are some key members of the cast and their roles:

  1. Amitabh Rao: A seasoned actor, Rao plays the lead detective on the case. Known for his nuanced performances, he brings a mix of grit and vulnerability to his role.
  2. Priya Anand: Anand, a versatile actress, portrays the ambitious journalist. Her character is central to unraveling the mystery, and she delivers a compelling performance that captures her character’s determination and inner conflicts.
  3. Rohan Mehra: Playing the role of a young police officer, Mehra adds a fresh perspective to the investigation team. His character is depicted as eager and sometimes naive, providing a contrast to the more experienced members of the team.
  4. Anushka Singh: Singh, in the role of the missing tycoon’s daughter, delivers a powerful performance. Her character’s emotional journey is pivotal to the story.
  5. Kabir Khan: Khan, known for his strong screen presence, plays a key antagonist. His character is intricately woven into the city’s underworld, adding intensity and suspense to the plot.
  6. Shweta Basu: As a seasoned detective, Basu’s character brings a sharp intellect and a sense of calm to the investigation. Her experience is crucial in navigating the complex case.
  7. Siddharth Kapoor: Kapoor portrays a mysterious figure whose motives and connections to the case are gradually revealed, adding a layer of intrigue.
  8. Neha Sharma: Sharma plays a supporting role as a forensic expert. Her character’s expertise is vital in uncovering critical evidence.
  9. Vijay Varma: As a rival journalist, Varma’s character adds a competitive edge to the storyline, often clashing with Anand’s character.
  10. Gaurav Chopra: Chopra appears in a guest role as a key witness, whose testimony is crucial to the case.


Each focusing on a particular aspect of the overall narrative. Here’s a general outline of what the episodes in a series like “Choked” might entail:

  1. Episode 1 – The Disappearance: Introduces the main characters and sets up the central mystery with the disappearance of the business tycoon.
  2. Episode 2 – The Investigation Begins: The detectives start to piece together clues, and the journalist begins her own investigation.
  3. Episode 3 – Underbelly of the City: Explores the darker aspects of the city and introduces potential suspects and their motives.
  4. Episode 4 – Hidden Connections: Revelations about the tycoon’s business dealings and personal life that could be motives for the crime.
  5. Episode 5 – Clues and Red Herrings: Both the detectives and the journalist uncover clues, some of which lead to dead ends.
  6. Episode 6 – Personal Demons: Focuses on the personal struggles and backgrounds of the main characters, adding depth to their motivations.
  7. Episode 7 – Breaking Point: Tensions rise as the investigation hits critical snags, and characters face moral and ethical dilemmas.
  8. Episode 8 – Unraveling the Web: Key breakthroughs in the case, with plot twists and the journalist receiving crucial information from the informant.
  9. Episode 9 – Confrontation: Confrontations between various characters, setting up for the climax.
  10. Episode 10 – The Finale: Resolution of the mystery, with surprising revelations and the fallout of the characters’ actions.

Each episode would likely be about 40-50 minutes long, a common format for web series. This structure allows for a detailed exploration of the plot and characters, making “Choked” a gripping and multi-layered series.

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