The “Casting Couch” web series, set to release on December 31, 2023, is an adult drama and romance genre series featured on the WOW Gold app. The storyline revolves around the experiences of three actresses, Bharti Jha, Pooja Podar, and Simran Kapoor, in the entertainment industry, highlighting the challenges they face in their journey to become successful actresses. The web series explores the theme of the casting couch and the compromises and decisions involved in the pursuit of an acting career.

How to watch Casting Couch 2023 WowGold Web Series 

To watch the “Casting Couch” 2023 web series on WowGold, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Wow Entertainment website or download their app from the Play Store or App Store.
  2. Log in with your phone number, or sign up if you are a new user.
  3. Choose your subscription plan your wish and complete the payment process.
  4. After payment, you’ll have access to all series and movies on Wow Entertainment.
  5. Search for the “Casting Couch” web series.
  6. Click on the series poster and select “Watch Now” to stream the episodes online. You can have the options for download your episodes for offline viewing.
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